Tutorial Details
- Program: Adobe Photoshop CS6
- Estimated Completion Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
Step 1
Open a new file (File > New) in Adobe Photoshop with the following settings.
Step 2
Fill background with white color #FFFFFF, then then apply following layer styles.
Step 3
Use the Rounded rectangle tool (U) with Radius = 35px to create a rectangle with any color you want. Name this layer as BODY and open Layer Style properties , then apply following layer styles.
Apply Stroke to BODY layer.
And you get result like this image below.
Step 4
Use the Rounded rectangle tool (U) with Radius = 35px to create a rectangle with any color you want. Name this layer as BODY_2 and then apply following layer styles.
Apply Stroke to BODY_2 layer.
Apply Inner Shadow to BODY_2 layer.
You should get result like this:
Step 5
Create a new layer and place it under BODY layer. Name this layer as BASE. Use the Rounded rectangle tool (U) with Radius = 35px to create a rounded rectangle then apply following layer styles like this image below.
Go back to BODY layer and press right click to Copy Layer Styles then Paste Layer Style to BASElayer. Now we need to fix the Stroke size = 3px in BASE layer.
Here is the result.
Step 6
Create a new layer and place it under BASE layer. Name this layer as FOOT. Use the Rounded rectangle tool (U) with Radius = 35px to create a rounded rectangle then apply following layer styles.
Apply Inner Shadow to FOOT layer.
You should get result like this:
Now we duplicate the FOOT layer and place the copy like this image below.
Step 7
We create a new layer and we name it as GLOSSY, place it on the top of layers. Then grab Brush Tool (B), and with large soft brush dub one white spot.
We apply the Blending Mode to Overlay with lower Opacity = 50%.
Step 8
We create a new layer and name it as SCREEN , place it on the top of layers. Use the Rounded rectangle tool (U) with Radius = 35px to create a rounded rectangle. Then we go back to BODY_2layer and right click to Copy Layer Style and Paste Layer Style to SCREEN layer. Now we need to fix the Stroke size = 10px in SCREEN layer.
And here is the result.
Step 9
In this step we will make the main TV screen. Create a new layer name as SCREEN_2, place it on the top of layers. Use the Rounded rectangle tool (U) with Radius = 35px to create a rounded rectangle. Now we apply Gradient Layer Style for our main screen.
Apply Inner Shadow to SCREEN_2 layer.
Apply Inner Glow to SCREEN_2 layer.
Apply Drop Shadow to SCREEN_2 layer.
And we get result like this image below.
Step 10
Create a new layer name as SCREEN GLOSSY, place it on the top. Pick the Pen tool (P) to draw shape and fill it white color #FFFFFFlike this image.
We set Opacity = 20%.
Step 11
We create a new layer, name it as LIGHT DOT and place it on top. Grab Brush Tool (B), and with large soft brush dub one white spot. Don’t forget to use Layer Mask to mask the unwanted part of light dot.
Step 12
In this step we will create our command buttons for our television icon. Pick the Ellipse Tool to create a circle and place like it like this image. Name this layer as BUTTON.
Now we go back to BODY_2 and right click to Copy Layer Style then Paste Layer Style to BUTTONlayer. You should get result like this image below.
Next, we create one more circle and place it like this image.
We apply Layer Style for our button.
Apply Stroke to button.
Apply Drop Shadow to button.
Now we get the result like this image below.
Next we use the Rounded rectangle tool (U) to create a rounded rectangle and place it like this image below.
Repeat the previous steps to apply the Layer style for this rounded rectangle, but we need to modify the Drop Shadow layer style a little bit.
And here is our button for this television icon.
Step 13
We duplicate this button and place it under the first one and rotate it to the right side. In this step, we need to modify the Gradient Layer Style of the second button a little bit.
Now our buttons are done. You should get a result like this image below.
Step 14
To create speakers, we need to create a rounded rectangle and place it under the button like this.
Now we open Layer Style properties , then apply following layer styles.
Apply Inner Shadow to speaker layer.
Apply Stroke to speaker layer.
And this is how our speaker look like.
Now we duplicate the speaker and place them like this image below.
Show Konversi Kode Hide Konversi Kode Show Emoticon Hide Emoticon