WhatsApp recently launched their web service.At first we could only use WhatsApp Web from Google Chrome Browser .But now it supports Firefox And Opera.WhatsApp confirmed the news via a tweet on Wednesday and said, "WhatsApp Web: https://web.whatsapp.com-Firefox and Opera browsers are now supported!"
Much like Google Chrome, users who want to use WhatsApp Web have to scan a QR code on the desktop screen via the WhatsApp app on the mobile. For the uninitiated, the WhatsApp Web works only with the latest version of WhatsApp on Android, Windows Phone, or BlackBerry. The company is yet to launch a Web interface for iOS users.
To recall, WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum last month announced that the popular messaging service had hit 700 million monthly active users, adding 100 million in the last four months. He also claimed that users were sending over 30 billion messages - every single day.
Much like Google Chrome, users who want to use WhatsApp Web have to scan a QR code on the desktop screen via the WhatsApp app on the mobile. For the uninitiated, the WhatsApp Web works only with the latest version of WhatsApp on Android, Windows Phone, or BlackBerry. The company is yet to launch a Web interface for iOS users.
To recall, WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum last month announced that the popular messaging service had hit 700 million monthly active users, adding 100 million in the last four months. He also claimed that users were sending over 30 billion messages - every single day.
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