Xiaomi introduced its first tablet in India, the Mi Pad. Priced at Rs.
12,999, the tablet is a direct opponent of Google’s Nexus 9.
At 9.4mm, the Mi Pad is thin and weighs just 133g. It sports a 7.9-inch IPS display with a resolution of 2048×1536 and a pixel desity of 326 PPI. Corning Glass 3 protects the screen from accidental drops. The tablet is powered by 2.2 GHz Nvidia Tegra K1 SoC ARM Cortex-A15 processor paired with 2GB of LPDDR3 RAM. The MI Pad offers 16GB of in-built storage space which can be expanded up to 128GB via MicroSD card. The Xiaomi tablet runs on Android 4.4 KitKat with MIUI skin on top.
The optics of the device are great for its price. It sports an 8MP rear camera with Sony BSI sensor for full-HD resolution videos, along with a 5MP front snapper at the top of the display for selfies and video chats. The table is juiced up by a 6700mAh battery that keeps the device running all day long. Connectivity options include Bluetooth 4.0 and Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac.
The Xiaomi Mi Pad will be available for purchase on March 24 and there will be no flash sale for this device. Potential customers can buy the gadget through e-commerce website Flipkart. The Mi Pad comes in six colour options – Black, White, Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. So if you want a tablet with unique theaming optons coupled with colorful exteriors, the Mi Pad can be a great option for you.
At 9.4mm, the Mi Pad is thin and weighs just 133g. It sports a 7.9-inch IPS display with a resolution of 2048×1536 and a pixel desity of 326 PPI. Corning Glass 3 protects the screen from accidental drops. The tablet is powered by 2.2 GHz Nvidia Tegra K1 SoC ARM Cortex-A15 processor paired with 2GB of LPDDR3 RAM. The MI Pad offers 16GB of in-built storage space which can be expanded up to 128GB via MicroSD card. The Xiaomi tablet runs on Android 4.4 KitKat with MIUI skin on top.
The optics of the device are great for its price. It sports an 8MP rear camera with Sony BSI sensor for full-HD resolution videos, along with a 5MP front snapper at the top of the display for selfies and video chats. The table is juiced up by a 6700mAh battery that keeps the device running all day long. Connectivity options include Bluetooth 4.0 and Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac.
The Xiaomi Mi Pad will be available for purchase on March 24 and there will be no flash sale for this device. Potential customers can buy the gadget through e-commerce website Flipkart. The Mi Pad comes in six colour options – Black, White, Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. So if you want a tablet with unique theaming optons coupled with colorful exteriors, the Mi Pad can be a great option for you.
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